| Dalhousie Post Care Tuition Waiver Program | |
| | | | Student Application Process This tuition waiver application is for current and incoming undergraduate students. If you’ve applied for admission, been accepted, or are continuing in your undergraduate studies at Dalhousie University, please complete this tuition waiver application and it will be matched with your admission application. This is a confidential form.
To meet the student eligibility criteria for this waiver, Dalhousie must be able to confirm that the student has lived in care for a minimum of one year (cumulative or accumulated) in a provincial child welfare system or Mi’kmaw Family and Children’s Services of Nova Scotia as defined by the Children and Family Services Act, 2017; or has been in receipt of services through the Department of Community Services, Youth Services Program. Disclosure: This personal information is being collected under the authority of the Dalhousie University and is protected by the Nova Scotia Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPOP). Access to this information is restricted to Dalhousie staff with direct responsibility for managing the admissions process, along with those individuals who serve on Awards selection committees. This personal information may also be used for administrative and statistical purposes by Dalhousie University and the admissions team. | |
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